Kapina Allianssi

IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy

8.8 ABV%

A collaboration we did with a brewery from Finland, our good friends from Salama Brewing.

The beer is called Kapina Allianssi which translates into "Rebel Alliance". During the brew day, the owners and I talked in depth about the European brewing scene and it's current growth being driven by beer nerds that admire and chase American beer trends (hazy ipas, pastry stouts and fruited/slushbrain sours). And these new breweries are bucking centuries old trends of brewing clean beer. They are disrupting the flow of how "beer works in Europe". Much like American brewers did starting in the early 90s.

One of the owners was also wearing a cool ass hoodie with Star Wars and a storm trooper on it. The
"Star" word was crossed out and replace with "Stop".

So, there we were, compadres from each side of the pond nerding out about beer and Sci-Fi while acknowledging the world is a wonky ass place and not understanding why it has to be this way. Let's resist the Evil Empire and make the beer we want to drink with the people we want to drink it with. A rebel alliance was formed....

This beer is a flavor bomb featuring a new hop (to us) Nectaron. Another Southern Hemisphere beauty bursting with all those tropical fruit notes we love in our IPAs. Careful though, this one slaps at 8.8%....

May the Force Be With You, Rebels.